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The blog is rarely updated .. a year once maybe ? Logen A. Beastly



Friday, September 26, 2014

The Deep infinite

The deafening silence,
The calm water's wavering melody,
The dark depth of never ending..
The hidden threat unseen by eyes,
Cowardly hidden,
Deep in the infinity known as ocean..
The ironic resemblance to the love we crave,
The embrace of the one we desire,
As accepting as the ocean to all our wills,
the Ocean,
Calm and accepting ..
A vast and never ending freeway of nothingness,
But as resemblance to love we wish to aquire,
The ocean , as vengeful and cold as she can be,
The calm and collected surface,
When tormented,
Turns to violence as only she can..
As does love,
When not treated well,
Could strike our heart,
By the blink of an eye,
Once loving and warm love,
Decimates the core of our soul..
The heart that once wished to only accept the good..
The kiss of doom from devastation,
To all that we built from love..
Leaving us rendered , loveless ..
The man who once loved..
Who now holds only the memory..
The memory of she, who he once loved ..
The emotions that she,
Who once was his had left him ..
The void left in his soul,
She who once filled with her embrace..
He, the man ..
Like the land the sea vanquished,
Now a deserted wasteland of nothingness ...
Look into his eyes ..
The man who once lived and loved ..
Now dead and lifeless...
Look into his eyes ..
He who wishes the warmth ..
Now not deserving of his desires ...
Not worthy ..
Thats the man who once loved ...
Not worthy.

"The Ocean can be loving and providing ..but the flipside of the ocean, once do her wrong and the re precautions are fatal ... so how is the ocean not similar to love?"