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The blog is rarely updated .. a year once maybe ? Logen A. Beastly



Monday, March 29, 2010

Questions in my mind

Questions in my mind
A lot has happened … hasn’t it …?
It gave me a lot of time to think … I wanted to solve problems
But end up getting more questions …
why do we fall in love … 
what is love … 
what do an individual look for in a relationship …I know my answer for that last question … 
why do I look for comfort … 
y do I make decision rationally and not based on emotions … 
wouldn’t it be fun if I didn’t know what I’m going through … or might go through … 
why did I have to gain this much information and experience in a young age … I’m freakin 16 years old...
Why do a person make mistake … 
why look for temporary comfort … 
why fake an emotion … 
 why strike someone down with simple yet crucial words …
why do we tend to let our guard down … 
why can’t I be immune to sorrow … 
why can’t anyone be immune to sorrow … 
why won’t they listen …. 
When there is a simple way to deal with problems but they choose the hard way … 
why is reality cruel … 
why can’t reality have a good side …
is it because we only witness the bad part of reality and not the good part …? 
Why can’t karma leave us alone? You break other’s heart … you tend to get heart broken 10x the emotional break down you gave to the others … 
why get distracted when we get so far and so close … 
why is love or comfort so fragile ...
is love like snow, where someday it melts ...
why DO I EXIST ?

questions … wanted to solve problems …but end up asking questions …