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The blog is rarely updated .. a year once maybe ? Logen A. Beastly



Thursday, April 28, 2022

Lonely Wanderer

 Lonely wanderer, 

Destination unknown, 

Tightened his embrace upon himself,

His shuddering breath,

Slowly materializes as he exhales,

Yet dispersing in urgency,

As the cold dry air assaults his lungs,

Exhale... Inhale...

He repeats to himself,

As he walks down the path...

Where does it lead? he wonders,

Where indeed..

But lost he is not,

As he is sure of his truth,

His absolute truth,

How can he be lost? 

Surrounded by such beauty,

Glistering remnants of snowflakes,

Enveloping the trees painted in white,


Under the guiding moonlight,

Cold, unnerving yet gentle...

Beautiful... He whispers,

As he continues walking...

Lonely wonderer? Perhaps...

But surely he has the companionship he desires...

His internal muse...

Perhaps, loneliness doesn't exist to him...

"Wonderer... Destination unknown..

But not alone..." 

He told to himself.. 

As he wandered away... 

Leaving footsteps engraved in the snow, 

He ponders and wonders... 

As he wanders away... 
