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The blog is rarely updated .. a year once maybe ? Logen A. Beastly



Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Whisper of the Breathless

Jealous, indeed I am..
Every breath taken away from me,
Stolen by her;
Stolen by the heavenly her,
A conspiracy concocted against me,
Beginning from dusk,
Ending at dawn,
Leaving me breathless,
Leaving me depleted.
Ever so gently, leaving me in despair.

Graceful benevolent her,
Only fair for my breath to crave her.
Helplessly embracing her essence.

Human, I am..
Until blessed by her smile,
Igniting my soul..bliss.

Time and time again,
I fall from this void; my humble abode,
Nothingness to exuberance..
Gifted by her;  breathless but alive..